Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I probably own the title of "The Most Speeches Given Without Using PowerPoint," because I've spoken at meetings and events at least a hundred times - and I've never used it.

If you want to engage people, you don't use a stale computer program and elementary handouts that insult their intelligence.

You talk with them (not at – or even to - them).

You take the time to look them in the eye - as many of them as you can.

You connect with them...not only intellectually, but also emotionally.

You get them involved on some level, so they're emotionally invested in your presentation.

You present them with practical, actionable advice...advice they can use to be more efficient and more productive in their work and in their lives.

You tell stories. Because - still - people love a good story. A story to which they can relate. And a story that touches them.

You come off as excited and enthusiastic about your subject (hopefully you really are!)...because then your audience will be.

You speak in a conversational tone - because then they're more likely to hear what you're saying.

I could go on and on with more "talking” points. I won't. But if I decided to, you can be sure they’ll be “talking” points. Not PowerPoints.

Steve Winston

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