Saturday, December 26, 2009


For the year 2010, Resolved:

I will no longer insist on being innovative for clients who merely want the same old thing. (And, hopefully, I will no longer sign clients who want the same old thing.)

I will only give “bonus” hours to those clients who really appreciate them…and me.

I will continue to keep learning and keep thinking and keep discussing, in a constant endeavor to be the best that I can at my craft.

I will keep fighting for the integrity of the profession in which I’ve spent the past 21 years.

I will never stop asking “Why,” or “Why not?”

I will always remember that, in our profession – especially at the beginning of a relationship – listening is more important than talking.

I will always continue pushing for a “seat at the table” for PR professionals. And I will always continue to point out that, had we been given such a seat, some of the incredibly-stupid business mistakes of the past few years might never have occurred.

When I do my 6 a.m. run every morning, I will spend more time listening to the birds and the ducks all around me, instead of thinking.

I will spend more time listening to my daughters – 15 and 21 – and less time lecturing.

During our once-a-month disagreements, I will try harder to understand my wife’s point of view.

I will spend more time thinking about what I have, instead of what I want.

I won’t scream as loud at the TV when our beloved – but mediocre – Florida Panthers hockey team is playing.

I will spend less time watching college football. (OK, that one’s not quite true. Hey, you’ve got to allow me one or two broken resolutions!)

Happy New Year!

Steve Winston
(954) 575-4089

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